What is a Spray Tan?

A refreshing micro mist that combines finely formulated bronzers and DHA for a natural sun-kissed glow.

What is DHA?

DHA, or dihydroxyacetone, is a 3-carbon sugar. When put on the skin, it reacts with amino acids in the outer layer to create a brown color, or tan.

Is DHA Organic?

DHA is a natural carbon source, but not organic. Inform your technician of any allergies or skin irritations beforehand.

How long should I book in advance?

Book your appointments at least 1.5 to 2 days prior to your event to ensure there is ample time for any necessary setting. It’s important to keep in mind that individual preferences may vary, so scheduling early can help accommodate everyone’s unique needs.

Will it stain my clothes & sheets?

Try not to bring your fanciest clothes when you get a spray tan, as they may not be the best choice for this occasion. Something loose and dark would be the ideal way to go to ensure you feel comfortable and avoid any potential staining. The bronzers used in the tanning process might transfer onto your clothing if you are someone who typically sweats a lot or tends to get overheated easily. Think of it like applying body makeup - if you allow it enough time to dry effectively before getting into bed, the bronzer transfer should be minimal. I usually wait about 2 hours before settling into my bed with a fresh tan to ensure the best results.

How long will it last?

Typically tans can last anywhere between 5-10 days. It really depends on the person. Read the prelude section for more information.

Am I having an allergic reaction?

If you are having an allergic reaction to the solution, you will likely notice the symptoms within the first few minutes. If, however, your skin becomes itchy 2 or 3 days after your spray tan, you could be dealing with the effects of dry skin. To better understand how to handle this situation, be sure to read the prelude section for more in-depth information on effectively maintaining dry skin.